Another Great Website

I seem to be running into a slew of fantastic websites for kids this week.  So if you’ll pardon the onslaught of posts about great websites, here is another one:  The Old Famer’s Almanac for Kids.

My favorite feature about this website is the description of the night sky.  I can never find anything I’m supposed to and so to have something written out for me very clearly is definitely helpful.  Now if only we lived in the country where we could actually see the stars. . .

The site also has a calendar in which kids can learn what happened on this day in history, and about special (and um, strange) holidays that may not necessarily be commonly celebrated.

I could tell you all the other cool things about this site but then I’d spoil it.  You just need to go check it out for yourself.  Definitely put this on your list of activities to keep your kids entertained this summer!

Sneaking in fun and learning together,

The Sneaky Mama

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